express yourself:just do it!

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24-11-2004 à 18:38:16
well I'm not alone, I get a "stomakache" yesterday :( ....
But today it's better ! I feelin' fine.
And that because, there are plenty of new forum and users create.
Thaks all B)

24-11-2004 à 18:40:03
Do heating seats exist as an option on vectra's? Do you have one? I guess it's only meant for the leather seats? (By the way, is your sore throat gone or not?)
Hey Castagn, your campus seems pretty well organized: open bar on tuesdays, night club,... Are you sure it's a campus you're on? Maybe someone is lying to you. [/COLOR]
24-11-2004 à 18:45:17
Nice to see you Scull. Glad to know that you're feeling better today [/COLOR]
24-11-2004 à 20:10:40
Here for you Soprano: nurse +antibiotics: the best cocktail!![/COLOR]
24-11-2004 à 21:12:56
I'm sleepy so I'm off to bed. Nighnight...[/COLOR]
24-11-2004 à 21:20:34
Hello everybody !

I'm not often here for the moment so I can't read all what you write :(

But well, I hope someday we'll have a new meeting, with many people !
24-11-2004 à 21:30:54

Thx you very much Val, good night and good dream for you!

Terroriste routier, de nouveau piéton.
25-11-2004 à 07:08:31

Morning Guys[/COLOR]
25-11-2004 à 17:00:54

Have a good day Val?

Terroriste routier, de nouveau piéton.
25-11-2004 à 19:23:51
well , tnnks for asking Soprano. Do you want the truth or shall I make something Up. I 'm afraid the truth is not really exciting!! At least , no old woman tried to kill me on the road today, witch is a good point.
A part from that, some of my collegues get on my nerve and I need all my patience to avoid yelling like they do. Yes, they can't speak so they shout. Nevermind. The day ended better : I went in a pub with a friend and drank a Newcastle Brown Ale like I use to do in England. That was really nice. [/COLOR]
25-11-2004 à 20:42:43
Driving or Drinking, you must choice ! :)

Bah your day was not so terrific, imagine if your boss change to "MoonWolf"(how to translate "loupgarou"?) cause the full moon is near.

Hey if i can confort you, juste think it's only one more day before the weekend. I hope friday will be more exciting for you :)

Terroriste routier, de nouveau piéton.
25-11-2004 à 21:36:16
Don't worry, the pub is 15 minutes walking from my house!! I don't know if my boss is a were-wolf but one of my collegue looks like one with or without full moon [/COLOR]
25-11-2004 à 22:00:00
Don't worry, the pub is 15 minutes walking from my house!!

Good for your driving licence :)

Val, what consist your work?

Terroriste routier, de nouveau piéton.
26-11-2004 à 11:26:23
Oups, I realize I forgot to say goodnight in both topics yesterday. Shame on me!!
As for my job. Some of you already know but I 'll try to explain it in english if I can.
I'm a social worker: an educator. I 've been working in a mental institution for 7 years ( don't laugh!) . Basically, I spend the day with psychotics ( adults) trying to make they life a bit more confortable, less scary, and help them through nearly all daily tasks ( washing, getting dressed, eating,...). At the same time, I go to school, once a month to get an "educatrice spécialisée " degree. I've worked with children too during my former formation.
What about you?
26-11-2004 à 20:04:42
Interesting, iit is beautiful to give of your time to the people who need.
It's not to hard for the moral some day(about very strange or hard situation)?

--Message édité par Soprano le 10-03-05 à 20:37:36--

Terroriste routier, de nouveau piéton.
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