express yourself:just do it!

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23-11-2004 à 10:39:05
No blue people in scenic running after you today?


No Men In Blue after me today :p (i ll will finish to become parano) .

It's a great day "vive the Working Time Reduction" héhé time to "glander" on this forum today.

Yesterday i ll be used like a translater French/English for help one of my teamate at work(he needed to talk to an english speeking people). Was very hard. How you can speak english with a good accent? you working at school? experience? tavel in english speeking country?

Terroriste routier, de nouveau piéton.
23-11-2004 à 13:12:36

I speak English like a Spanish cow in pre English
23-11-2004 à 14:04:20
Hihi another spanish cow. We will need to recrut a cowboy soon, we need john waynes.

Terroriste routier, de nouveau piéton.
23-11-2004 à 16:58:09
I see some of you have been practicing real hard today! I just came back from work. I have a lot of reading to do then i'll come back to this section . See you soon.
PS: voulez-vous que je continue à mettre la version française ou pas?
23-11-2004 à 17:51:22
Well then. Phoenix don't worry, I'll see you tomorrow if you're not there today. I've no plans of escaping in some place without electricity. At least, not this week.
Soprano: how is your soar throat? Is it getting better or worse? For the english accent, I know it's very hard to get. Remenber some of our english teachers. They were also speaking english like spanish cows even if it was their job to speak properly. There are certain phonetic rules that you can learn like "ee" = i ,... but of course there are exceptions!
By the way Goldorak and Soprano, I' m sorry no john Wayne here but a kind of Calamity Jane!! [/COLOR]
23-11-2004 à 18:51:58
PS: voulez-vous que je continue à mettre la version française ou pas?

I don't think it's useful because everybody speaks english here and the others who don't, I bet they are not interested in that topic.

Tonight is tuesday, it's party day :P I have slept all the afternoon so I am ready and nevermind for tomorrow morning :D

23-11-2004 à 19:30:27
OK Castagn, Enjoy!!
About translation: there is speak and speak and I don't want anybody to feel excluded [/COLOR]
23-11-2004 à 20:32:14
PS: voulez-vous que je continue à mettre la version française ou pas?

No more Froggys translation, it's gay.

Terroriste routier, de nouveau piéton.
23-11-2004 à 21:10:28
Don't translate Valmad, reading is also a good exercice


mon blog
23-11-2004 à 21:22:02
Ok guys, then no more translation!! [/COLOR]
23-11-2004 à 21:33:30
No more help, just do it yourself and good luck but don't woory, it's not school there is only friends here


mon blog
23-11-2004 à 22:14:02
Good night my friends![/COLOR]
24-11-2004 à 06:50:53
Morning! It's very foggy outside and the car is frozen!! Grrr
See you later.
PS:No headache Castagn?
24-11-2004 à 18:18:00
Hihi you need to have the "heating chair" option Val.

Terroriste routier, de nouveau piéton.
24-11-2004 à 18:18:47
Ohhh yes , damned alcohol.

YEsterday afternoon I was ill, headache and backache so I took 2 ibuprofenes and after I had to drink to make it disappear. And the result is a big headache this morning, euh at noon because I went to bed at 6 in the morning after having spending time in the little night club of our campus B)

And It is a day of luck because the lesson of this morning was canceled so I was not missing ;)
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