express yourself:just do it!

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22-11-2004 à 10:45:29
good day,
typing error i am sorry

22-11-2004 à 12:43:37
No problem. I didn't even see it. Just like we when we write in french, we usually make a lot of mispelling (that word is not in the dictionnary). As long as we understand eachother... That's all that matters!
PS: my english is not perfect so I might make some mistakes too...
Pas de problème. Je n'avais même pas remarqué. C'est comme quand nous écrivons en français, nous faisons souvent des fautes d'épellation ( ce mot figure lui en revanche dans le dico!). Du moment qu'on se comprend... c'est tout ce qui compte!
PS: mon anglais n'est pas parfait alors il est possible que je fasse des fautes aussi...[/COLOR]
22-11-2004 à 18:53:59
What's up Castagn? :huh:
22-11-2004 à 18:59:59
What's down we should say, oh it's the general humour of the day maybe something coming from the week end, because it was a good day. Bicycly, I had my first course as a teacher, it was fun. Particularly when a guy which is 3 years old less than you calls you "monsieur" B) And on the afternoon, I was speaking english with my romanian job friend. I like that !
22-11-2004 à 19:03:51
Well, I hope what happened during the week end wasn't to bad.
What do you teach mister Castagn? [/COLOR]
22-11-2004 à 19:26:03
Bad day, It's monday, and i m wounded by a direct hit of "mal de gorge". :(

Terroriste routier, de nouveau piéton.
22-11-2004 à 19:29:07
"Too bad" dear valmad :P

This morning it was a TD on a CAO software : CATIA but I teach mecanics normaly.
22-11-2004 à 19:31:23
well, that's bad. I hope that your little antibodies are fighting bravely so that you'll be cured soon! No blue people in scenic running after you today?[/COLOR]
22-11-2004 à 19:34:48
well of course the message about antibodies was for Soprano! Castagn's seem to be working pretty well! I m glad you do mechanics usually cause this I understand. As for CAO and CATIA, it's all greek to me!![/COLOR]
22-11-2004 à 19:41:47
Bon je te la fais en francais celle la rien que pour toi : CAO c'est Conception Assistée par Ordinateur c'est des logiciels pour creer des pieces 3D et des mecanismes. Et Catia c'est un logiciel developpé par Dassault Systems (ceux qui font les avions mais la c'est dassault aviation) et ca donne ca :

Voili return to english language now ;)
22-11-2004 à 19:48:22
Well, this is what I call an explanation! I understand now why they let you teach!! [/COLOR]
22-11-2004 à 22:14:53
Good night, see you tomorrow!! [/COLOR]
22-11-2004 à 22:46:26
As i can see I've miss a lot of things till i've quit the forum ( I want you to know that i've don't speak english formany years,so sorry for the mistakes I will do)

And i am sorry to have miss Valmad tonight, i even can speak with her tomorrow


mon blog
23-11-2004 à 08:39:34
Morning Mates ( yes "buddies" sounds to american for me)[/COLOR]
23-11-2004 à 09:48:28
hello, how are you today? good day
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