express yourself:just do it!

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21-02-2005 à 04:03:35
I never sow this english topic!
I'm sorry, but i got some dificulties to write in english as in french! I only know how to speak a little bit corectly in english!
I will try to do my best. Welcome to the new english member, and let's rock ;)

Have a nice day p)p)p)
23-02-2005 à 00:58:02
so do you guys ever meet up show off your vectra's

Once a year we all go across on the ferry to france

23-02-2005 à 07:55:56
We organise a french country meeting in June,

It is a meeting 2 days long... with hotel.

I think it will be very nice..
23-02-2005 à 21:49:25
Once a year we all go across on the ferry to france

And all your members come ? you must need meor ethan one Ferry!


mon blog
23-02-2005 à 21:52:33
Vectra_Dave, maybe you and your friends, can come to France in June, and meet with us!
You can show us your cars! And have fun during this two days!
And maybe you can bring from UK some tuning shit to us! It will be cool!

CU, bye p)p)p)
23-02-2005 à 22:33:56
Yes, an international meeting wiould be great!


mon blog
23-02-2005 à 23:14:10
Waouh, how many cars do vauxhall/opel cross the channel for this meeting and when does it takes place? I guess i can find the answers on your forum, I'll check ;)
The thing is, how do you get to know each other when there are so many of you? The nice part of beeing quite small is that we are really close and we "know" every member
24-02-2005 à 06:57:01
International Meeting

Bye p)p)p)
24-02-2005 à 22:14:56
A la ouaneuguène ;)

24-02-2005 à 22:20:44
This post had me laughing so much.

I loved the James Bond impression and the typical english accent.

You pronunciation is perfect.

Thank you.


Cette poste avait me riant si beaucoup. J'ai aimé l'impression de Lien de James et l'accent anglais typique. Vous la prononciation est parfaite. Merci.


24-02-2005 à 22:29:29
We practice speaking english to be able to post on the VOCC forum


mon blog
25-02-2005 à 03:52:56
Everybody should be able to speak english! Everybody speak english! We are open on the World! ;)

CU p)p)p)
25-02-2005 à 15:26:10
Lol it look like a google translation ;)

25-02-2005 à 17:10:34
Last year they went to Calais in november 18 went here is some pics.

25-02-2005 à 19:58:50
Thanks for the pictures Vectra_dave
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