How to Change Your Name in Fortnite

04-09-2023 à 12:28:30
Fortnite is currently in its fourth Chapter, and has changed a fair bit since it launched. For one, you have a lot more options in terms of personalizing your character and account. This extends to your username, which can now be changed every two weeks on most platforms. For PC, Nintendo Switch and mobile devices, you can change your display name pretty easily, though PlayStation and Xbox players will need to go through their platform of choice's account settings to do the same thing. Here's how to change your name in Fortnite, including info on using the Epic Games Launcher.
How to change your name in Fortnite
To change your name in Fortnite, you'll need to head to the Epic Games website. Once you're there, follow these steps:
Sign into your Epic Account using the option in the top-right of the homepage
Under 'Account Settings', look for 'Display Name'
Change this to whatever you wish (you will not be able to change it for another two weeks once you' ve done so)
Click 'Save Changes'
This will change your name in Fortnite on PC, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices. Unfortunately, PlayStation and Xbox players will need to change their usernames/gamertag on their respective platforms to appear under a different name. You can find more information on doing so here: PlayStation, Xbox.
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